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Executive Committee News

executive committee news

Joint Statement of EATA and ITAA:  Mutual Recognition EATA and ITAA recognise each other’s system of training and certification and will do so respectfully, in the spirit of trust and appreciation for differences in approach.  This means that we regard both systems as being equivalent, whilst recognising that they are not the same, nor need to be.  Following the recent […]

New EC liaison persons for delegates and countries Liaison persons for committees: Sylvia Schachner: Ethics advisor; PTSC and COC until March 2023 Aleksandra Djuric: TDRC Elena Soboleva: ECC Nicole Lenner: CC Liaison persons for countries:  Aleksandra Djuric: Russia, Kyrgysztan, Kasachstan, Austria, Hungary, Finland, Poland, Georgia Elena Soboleva: Armenia, Bosnia, Germany, Romania, France, Bulgaria, Ritva Piiroinen: Slovenia, Croatia, Montenegro, Belgium, The […]

Dear trainers, dear members of EATA We are pleased to inform you that the revised training and examination handbook is now published on https://eatanews.org/ta-training-2/#handbook Handbook 2022 Many thanks to PTSC for their intensive and thorough work. Please read and familiarize yourselves with the amendments. In order to enhance a constructive dialogue with trainers and members , we as Executive Committee […]

President’s note regarding the finalization of an organisational complaint process in the context of the publication of the revised handbook – September 2023 In the context of the publication of the revised handbook 2022/23, Relevant, controversial, and at times very polarizing and emotional discussions have been conducted in diverse meetings with differing groups of colleagues. As one consequence an organisational […]

DEAR MEMBERS OF EATA, Tuesday, 31.1.2023 our first “president meets members” zoom meeting took place. We greeted 145 colleagues representing different groups and countries. The topic was to respond to any questions, comments and feedback concerning the revised handbook. This included emails previously received responding to the revised handbook. EATA/PTSC were given feedback and comments regarding the process of the revision […]

This is my last contribution to the EATA newsletter in the president’s role. My term will be soon over. In my personal perception I learned in the first year, then I made mistakes in the second year and started to work in the third year. Nevertheless, I am deeply thankful that I had the chance to contribute to this vital […]

This report is an attempt to inform you as delegates about activities of your Executive Committee to invite you to come into contact to facilitate your involvement into the development of EATA This report is based on the minutes of our November meeting. It gives a view on how we work. If you see “A:” – this means ‘actionpoint’. You […]

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