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  • European Connection Committee (ECC)

Izabella Bobrowska

ECC Chairperson

Sara Foschi

ECC member

Indira Dildabayeva

ECC member

Mission statement:
Connecting resources and competences with needs

The aim of ECC is:

  • To support national associations to promote and support the recognition of the TA theory, practice and education in the following four fields of Transactional Analysis: Psychotherapy, Organisational, Educational and Counselling
  • To assist in the creation of new country associations
  • To link national associations with EATA

We are working:

  • Project based
  • Contracted
  • Ethical and in support of EATA
  • Direct contact between ECC-member and association’s delegate
  • Regularly interacting with other committees

ECC will operate in accordance with the process described here: (project process below)

The representant of applying organisation will be invited for meeting with ECC to present the submitted project.

Funding criteria:

  • Current support limit for individual projects not more than € 2.500 (loss covering) and not more than 50% of the total project costs
  • Number of participants in project
  • Quality of project
  • Countries without an association or with small ones (<25 members)
  • No funding of past projects

Funding always shall be prudent and in line with available budget.
-> See the budgeting process graph

Please contact us if you are interested: ecc-chair@eatanews.org

To support elaborating a strong and complete proposal there is ECC project proposal form provided, available in “EATA forms” tab.

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