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TA Theory Development and Research Committee (TDRC)

TDRC MEMBERS 2024/2025

Enrico Benelli

TDRC Chair

Laura Bastianelli

co-opted Member

Simonetta Caldarone

Italian delegate

Sezgin Bekir

Bulgarian Delegate

Orsolya Frank

Hungarian Delegate

Antoinette Davey

co-opted Member

Ivan Anđelković

Serbian Delegate

Nadezhda Zuykova

Russian Delegate


TDRC has received a delegation from EATA in order to coordinate and manage EATA activities related to scientific aspects, in the four fields of TA application: Psychotherapy, Counselling, Organization and Education.

The general aim of TDRC is to promote within the TA community an up to date culture with respect to theory development and the development of research evidence on efficacy and effectiveness of TA interventions. 

Theory development refers to the connection between TA theory and the scientific community, such as World Health Organization, European Community, scientific societies in the four fields of application of the TA theory.

Development of research evidence refers to the capability of the TA community to plan, realize, fund, publish and disseminate researches able to support the recognition of TA as an efficacy and effective model of psychology, in the four fields of application of the TA theory. 


TDRC will achieve its aims supporting the cooperation among TA research networks, scientific societies and  universities, spreading via the EATA web site the informations that can help members to:

  • define and publish TA interventions and treatments in line with the procedures of manualization specific of each field,
  • connect TA theory, models and techniques to the main paradigms and diagnostic systems specific of each field,
  • develop TA research networks in European countries,
  • develop research projects with goals, methodologies, instruments and analysis coherent with the needs of TA community,
  • publish evidence on efficacy and effectiveness of TA theory and practice in prominent scientific journals specific of each fields.


TDRC adopts a pluralistic approach to research, encouraging studies conducted with different designs and methodologies, providing an advancement toward the recognition of the efficacy and effectiveness of TA theory. 
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