PTSC decision March 2023
PTSC following the emails and responses received concerning the revised Handbook within the second consultation period has discussed the requests received and decided as follows:
PTSC recognises that online training and supervision is now an important part of training in some countries, whilst it is not authorised in others. PTSC is mindful that EATA is a European association needing to account for different needs and realities. Therefore PTSC recommends for online supervision not to exceed 50% of the total amount of supervision hours required with the Principal Supervisor. In all cases, Candidates and Principal Supervisors have the responsibility to make sure that their National and/or European Association’s requirements for online supervision and training are met.
For the purpose of the exam, a group is defined as three or more people, counselling and psychotherapy candidates must have at least one recording of work with an individual. Exceptionally the group recording may be regarding work with a couple. The candidate will be expected to demonstrate/explain how the work and dynamics with a couple differ from the work with individuals and with groups.
The above changes indicated will be included in the relevant section of the Handbook
PTSC decision October 11 2021
PTSC has further developed the online TSTA evaluation format in order to honour its commitment with EATA, the EC and all candidates to maintain the quality and rigour expected for a TSTA level exam. This format is also meant to support those candidates who have already taken their TOE exams, giving them the opportunity to complete this journey, and also to facilitate this process for those who are still unable to travel.
The supervision part of the exam will be organized online in 2022.
Option will be given to candidates to decide whether they want to take this part of the exam online or in presence. Some small changes have been devised by PTSC for this online supervision part, for example a long break between first level and second level supervision.
The teaching part done “online” will have a “blended format” this means that candidates will give the two teachings onsite, teaching presentation and 101, in the presence of an audience, unconnected and different from their own training group, institute, and Principal Supervisor, while being videotaped. A TSTA, who is not the PS nor co-sponsor of the candidate, selected by the candidate, is required to be present during the two teachings, his/her responsibility is to ensure that the process takes place according to requirements, and to certify this.
The candidates will then bring their videotape to an online Board to be evaluated and to take their other part of the exam, that is questions and dialogue with the Board online, which will be a “normal Board” organized by the OES, online version of the Local Exam supervisors.
PTSC decisions December 13 2021
PTSC is committed to support all and training members and trainers in such unforeseeable and unprecedented situation. The pandemic is considered as an exceptional situation.
The teaching part of the TSTA ONLINE exam (TTA) in the "blended format” requires from candidates two teachings onsite, teaching presentation and 101 in the presence of an audience, in physical presence, while being videotaped. The audience, is required to be unconnected and different from the actual training group, institute, and Principal Supervisor of the candidate. Candidates have the option to do the teaching in their own language and can choose one of the following options:
A. simultaneous translation in English.
B. consecutive translation in English.
C. subtitles which must be accompanied by a full transcript of the English translation.
A TSTA, selected by the candidate, who is not the PS nor co-sponsor of the candidate, is required to be present during the two teachings, according to requirements specified on the form (see HB 11.1a TSTA EXAM TEACHING ONLINE Blended Form and B.1a).
Candidates then bring their videotape, sharing the screen, to the online exam Board, to be evaluated and to take the other part of the exam, with an online Board, organized by the OES, (Online Exam supervisors).
The supervision part of the exam will be organized also online in 2022, and candidates can decide whether they want to take this part of the exam online or in presence. The supervision part online will take place according to the HB rules, as in presence, the only change, at the moment, in the online format, is a break of one hour and fifteen minutes between the first and the second supervision, all other exam rules in this part of the exam remain unchanged.
One further information, as already mentioned in the mail sent to all trainers in July 2021, and in January 2022 PTSC will also be granting exceptions, upon request, for those who will not be able to take their full TSTA exam within one year of their TOE, in case of exceptional situations connected with the pandemic.
EATA will continue for the time being to have online CTA exams, and to hold TSTA exams online in part one TOE (Theory, Organizations and Ethics).
Several candidates have enquired about pre-registration procedures, those have been discontinued and are not in use at the moment.
July 12 PTSC meeting –July 17 2021 TAWCS meeting
“Following to the several meetings and exchanges that have been taking place throughout the last 12 months and to the mock exams that were conducted independently by EATA and ITAA, the decision has been that EATA will continue to be developing online exams as well as onsite exams during the next few months; that EATA will continue for the time being to carry out online CTA exams, to hold TSTA exams online in part one TOE (Theory, Organizations and Ethics). EATA will also be holding Supervision exams online, with some adjustments specifically for the online format, and with some changes for both formats online and onsite (with the latter becoming a requirement in 2022). Information concerning the Supervision part of the exam will be available as of October 2021.
The teaching part of the TSTA exam will require, together with the online format, a further teaching part onsite, as online teaching skills are different than teaching skills “offline” in presence. Candidates will have several possible options available to comply with this requirement.
On the basis of the mutual recognition agreement the TSTA exams done through ITAA will be recognized by EATA , in its three parts, after complying with the requirement, for candidates, in the teaching part, to have a further onsite teaching segment taught, according to the different options offered to the candidates by EATA. The options will be indicated, in all details, within the end of October 2021.“
(July 12 PTSC meeting –July 17 2021 TAWCS meeting)
PTSC meeting April 26 2021
Important information concerning Trainers and trainees
PTSC has decided, exceptionally, to extend for one year all CTA contracts expiring in 2021 in order to support trainees taking their CTA exam (PTSC Meeting December 15 2020).
PTSC has decided, exceptionally, to extend for one year CTA contracts expired in 2020, upon request. (PTSC Meeting January 25 2021) Requests are to be sent to PTSC mentioning the website communication and date of PTSC meeting.
PTSC has decided, exceptionally, due to the Covid situation, to extend for one year all PTSTA contracts in order to support both trainees taking their TSTA exam, as well as those who, have difficulty to do or receive training online (PTSC meeting January 25 2021).
PTSC has received several questions related to exam recordings to be brought to oral exams. PTSC wishes to remind all candidates and trainers that all information concerning oral exams, and the three recordings to be taken, is indicated in the Handbook, there are no changes in the requirements. Candidates or trainers may, in case of need, contact PTSC.
PTSC has decided exceptionally the prolongation of regular 101 online until january 2022.
(PTSC meeting April 26 2021)
PTSC decision October 11 2021
PTSC has decided exceptionally the prolongation of doing TA training regularly online until December 31 2021
PTSC has decided exceptionally, following to the continuation of the complex situation and difficulties connected with COVID still affecting many european countries,the prolongation of doing TA training regularly online until December 30 2022
(PTSC decision October 11 2021)
PTSC has decided exceptionally, following to the continuation of the complex situation and difficulties connected with COVID still affecting many european countries that the requirement for all PTSTAs CTA TS, and CTAs that the requirement of participating to a written exam workshop for evaluators will start as of January 1 2023
(PTSC decision October 11 2021)
PTSC meeting May 9 2022
PTSC following to some requests of clarification concerning mutual recognition between EATA and ITAA wishes to restate that ITAA and EATA have worked to ensure that there remains mutual recognition between the two organisations for candidates who are successful in exams done with either organisation.When a candidate successfully completes all three parts of their TSTA exam online with ITAA, they will be awarded TSTA by ITAA. EATA will recognize their qualification with the title TSTA (TTA ITAA) – meaning that their Teaching Transactional Analyst qualification is conferred by ITAA, and recognized by EATA. The TSTA (TTA ITAA) can then operate within EATA’s systems , supervising, signing TSTA contracts, teaching, examining etc. There is no time limit to this recognition. The TSTA (TTA ITAA) may then choose to take the TTA exam part in an EATA TSTA exam, either online, in the blended pre-recorded format, or in person. When they do this, they can then use the title TSTA within EATA, without needing to add the parentheses ‘(TTA ITAA)’.
(PTSC meeting May 9 2022)
PTSC December 7 2022
The new version of the Handbook is now online, all trainers have received a mail, from PTSC a few days ago, inviting you to ask for clarification, or further specifications if needed. We ask you to write to PTSC CHAIR EATA, and to Deadline to receive your feedback or questions is December 20 2022.”
The rules established in the Handbook are not retroactive, this means they are not backdated.
Candidates, supervisors and trainers, who have provided training online, in whatever number of hours, until now, have their hours automatically recognized, without having to do anything further.
(PTSC December 7 2022)
PTSC February 2 2023
Revised handbook further clarification: Following to the questions asked about supervision requirements for CTA, PTSC wishes to clarify that online supervision is acceptable and the proportion of hours of online supervision to face to face supervision is a decision to be taken with the TA Principal Supervisor. On-line supervision with the Principal Supervisor cannot exceed 50% of the total amount of supervision hours required with the Principal Supervisor (This means 50% of the 40 hours of TA supervision required with the PS). In case of special circumstances a candidate may ask PTSC for an exception. See revised version of Section 7 HandBook - 7.5 Procedure for CTA examination (page 7): Recommendations for supervision
(PTSC February 2 2023)
PTSC meeting march 2 2023
PTSC April 2023
TAWCS meeting June 21 2023
Joint Statement of EATA and ITAA: Mutual Recognition
EATA and ITAA recognise each other’s system of training and certification and will do so respectfully, in the spirit of trust and appreciation for differences in approach. This means that we regard both systems as being equivalent, whilst recognising that they are not the same, nor need to be.
Following the recent TAWCS meeting in June, representatives of both organisations agreed a common position regarding mutual recognition. For many years this has been the cornerstone of our joint approach to training and examination. A common understanding has been that our systems are the same, presented in two handbooks describing an almost identical model, serving members in each organisation.
This statement re-affirms our joint commitment to mutual recognition, whilst taking account of significant developments for both organisations over the past few years. We recognise that changes have been put in place by each association, which has generated the need to re-frame mutual recognition.
By re-asserting our commitment to mutual recognition we respect the differences of training and exam processes based on the different structure of the two associations and the different personal and professional needs of our members. We take account of the overall common goal which is to fulfil the values and professional standards we share. Read full-text Joint Statement of EATA and ITAA (TAWCS meeting June 21 2023)
PTSC meeting May 29 2023
Candidates for the CTA written exam will have a new option which is to present their written case study as a pragmatic research case study, and make it publishable. This option will contribute to foster further support to TA as an approach and to the TA community. worldwide. This option has resulted from the joint work of PTSC and TDRC.
(PTSC meeting May 29 2023)
CTA psychotherapists who wish to apply for a European Certificate as Psychotherapist- ECP - to the European Association of Psychotherapy - EAP - can do so through our EATA representative at EAP Cristina Caizzi
(PTSC meeting May 29 2023)
PTSC meeting decision July 2 2023
PTSC has decided to offer CTA candidates the option of presenting their CTA case study as a Pragmatic Research Case Study, using the PCSP Research model. This option is already on the website, in the Handbook and it is indicated as section 8A.
Case studies presented according to this option will need to be sent to the Italian language coordinator -Simonetta Caldarone-, who will send them for evaluation to evaluators specifically trained in this methodology. This option will be applicable from December 2023.
(PTSC meeting decision July 2 2023)
PTSC meeting decision 26 October 2023
In December 2022, in a revision to the EATA Handbook the option of the TA 101 Instructor qualification for CTA's was removed. After a number of communications with colleagues PTSC has agreed to temporarily restore this option, in line with the previous version of the handbook, this decision will be reviewed by 31st December 2024. In the meantime we have started a consultation and collaboration process, if you wish to contribute to this process please contact PTSC.
(PTSC meeting decision 26 October 2023).
PTSC meeting 1st March 2024
Clarification regarding Mutual Recognition of online TSTA exam.
The EATA Ethical Advisor asked PTSC to carry out an assessment of the validity, and the wider implications, of the previous PTSC decisions regarding the mutual recognition of online TTA exams.
PTSC have now concluded their investigations, and taking new information into account, and in respect of the statement of mutual recognition published in 2023, has decided that the requirement to state TTA ITAA after an IBOC online teaching examination is not necessary and is withdrawn with immediate effect.
PTSC meeting 1st March 2024.
PTSC meeting 10th October 2024
Qualification's Roles and Responsibilities Table
PTSC are often being asked what the different roles and responsibilities are within the TA community in terms of qualifications, so we created this table to answer those questions.
Handbook Queries or Requests
See the table
PTSC-COC Report from commi2ee’s work during Council, Varna, July 2024
Over the past two years much effort was made to improve the coopera4on and exchange between both the PTSC and COC committees. All members from both committees strongly felt that more connecton and synergy would benefit our ‘customers’; the EATA members who are in some way or another, involved in the exam processes.
2024 Exams Photos
TSTA contract Extensions due to Covid Pandemic
Dear colleagues, PTSC has been reviewing the previous policy to permit PTSTAs to apply for a one year extension to their TSTA contract due to the exceptional circumstances of the Covid pandemic and lack of opportunity to take an exam.
As this situation, and access to exams, has returned to normal, further applications will only be granted for colleagues who signed their second contract between 2017 and 2021, and who apply before 31 December 2024.
Thank you for your understanding.
The decision was made on 22 July 2024