EATA members can apply individually for financial support for travelling abroad for supervision, training, TEW, exams; for attending a TA-Conference abroad or for paying training fees. More details about requirements you can find here.
EATA members can reimburse their expenses with help of this form by sending to the Treasurer (please attach your invoices as well).
EATA delegates use this form for the application of TA training and events in their countries.
More details about requirements you can find here:
EATA members can apply for individual financial support as a researcher in TA.
More details about requirements and deadlines you can find here:
Made by: ECC
Date: July 2020
a) travel abroad for supervision, training, TEW, exams
b) attend a TA-Conference abroad
c) need support for paying training fees.
The maximum grant for one person is EUR 300,-
Requests for bursaries can be made by downloading the application form below. The form has to be duly completed and signed by the applicant, his/her sponsor or trainer and the national association, with a short recommendation.
Please send your application to the EATA Council delegate of your national association. Each delegate can send a maximum of two bursary applications from the members of their respective national associations by December 31st of each year. EATA will make a decision within the end of January and inform the applicant, with copy to EATA Council delegate.
If a request is sent after December 31st, it will be taken into consideration inasmuch as the budget still allows.
Send your completed application form through your national EATA Council delegate to Regina Nemeth, EATA Bursary Administrator, e-mail:
Website co-created by Maurits Baeyens, Bruno Gallier and XGalvany
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ta training
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