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Category: COVID-19

UATA’s specialists work during Covid-19 pandemic

Good afternoon, dear colleagues. Unfortunately, Coronavirus has influenced various parts of our life. The process and consequences of it will remain in our stories for a long time. The main value that we have confirmed in practice is that it is important to unite and give as much resources as you are ready to give at the moment. Contribution of everyone […]

TO EATA Covid 19 Space from CPAT, Milano-Italy

Some info Italy has been the first country in Europe to be affected by Covid 19. Starting from the region around Milano and the northern part of Italy the pandemia reached then the central and south regions of the country with a minor impact. The lockdown started in march (Phase 1), to contain the emergency overwelming Hospitals,-not ready to face […]

Covid-19. Situation in Germany. DGTA

Appreciation We would like to thank Susanna and Peter for this wonderful opportunity for exchange in the light of this challenging time. We are very happy to participate as a board of the DGTA with a statement on the situation as we experience it in Germany. We let you participate in what occupies us, describe possible strategies for coping with […]

Situation in Turkey and ATAD

How are the different situations in our countries and associations? In informal conversations with fellow-practitioners and friends in other countries, it seems that in general people are going through similar experiences. What we see on the news also seems to confirm this as being the case. However, on reflection there are some noteworthy differences in Turkey. For over a month […]

Inperformat Association Report during the Covid 19 emergency

Dear EATA,  I gladly report what is happening in Italy for our patients and groups of therapy during the Covid 19 emergency. Our professionals have tried to continue their working remotely using various platforms. However, they succeeded with 50% of patients, because not all the patients accept remote relationships. Many of our young colleagues therefore have difficulties with their patients […]

The situation in Montenegro – Covid 19

The first case of COVID-19 infection in Montenegro, recorded slightly later than in other countries, was registered on March 18th 2020. Montenegrin government entrusted the assessment and recommendations to public health experts, who introduced very rigorous measures even before there were any officially confirmed cases of infection. This has helped keep the virus under control to the extent our healthcare […]

EATA-ITAA working together in Covid-19 pandemic

Dear members, The ITAA and EATA would like to invite you to participate in an online meeting with TA friends and colleagues throughout the world. Corona crisis confronts us all with new challenges. The overwhelming power of this pandemic isolates us, brings suffering and crisis to us both personally and professionally and impacts our environment with many personal, social and […]

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