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(Institute for Research on Intrapsychic and Relational Processes)

The “Istituto di Ricerca sui Processi Intrapsichici e Relazionali” (IRPIR) Association was founded in Italy, by Prof. Pio Scilligo and some collaborators in 1981. IRPIR pursues two cultural aims: to promote dissemination and research on the interdependence between intrapsychic and relational processes that support psychosocial wellbeing, and to initiate collaborative relationships with national and international associations with similar aims. 

Currently, the number of members is 584, representing three schools: the School of Specialisation in Clinical Psychology of the Institute of Training and Research for Educators and Psychotherapists (SSPC-IFREP), the School of Specialisation in Clinical Psychology of the Pontifical Salesian University (SSSPC-UPS) and the School of Specialisation in Transactional Psychotherapy of the Association ‘Studies and Activities in Applied Psychology’ (SSPT-SAPA). The three schools are recognised by the Ministry of University and Research (MIUR) for the training of psychotherapists in Italy. They collaborate by sharing a humanistic-existential anthropological vision, a reference model – Social-Cognitive Transactional Analysis – and a teaching methodology. A feather in the cap of this collaboration is the Centre for Prevention and Clinical Intervention (CePI), present in every school, whose aims are: experiential learning in the field on the part of the trainees, the tertiary prevention service – free of charge – aimed at the territory, and the collaboration in research projects in the psycho-social field promoted by the Laboratory for Research on the Self and Identity (La.R. S.I.).

The “Laboratory for Research on Self and Identity” (La.R.S.I) has been active since the end of the 1990s and its efforts in this area has been acknowledge with ITAA RESEARCH AWARD in 2020.

Since 1987, IRPIR has published a four-monthly, open-source journal whose current title is Psicologia Psicoterapia e Benessere, which can be consulted at the link: 


IRPIR pays special attention to its members through a commitment to ongoing training with initiatives dedicated to supervision and updating. With this in mind, it has signed agreements with the EMDR- ITALIA Association and with the Coherence Therapy Institute to promote comparison with other psychotherapeutic intervention models. With the latter, there is a memorandum of understanding that guarantees basic and advanced training on the Coherence Therapy model in Italy. 

The IRPIR’s commitment to pursuing its mission took the form of enabling the trainees of the above mentioned schools to also have the title of Transactional Analyst in the Psychotherapy field, thanks to the memorandum of understanding drawn up with the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) in 1995.

Baton goes to Kyrgyzstan!

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