Switzerland had at the end of the seventies a trilingual TA association (ASPAT) which split in the eighties in 2 associations.
In March 2024, the German-speaking Swiss association (DSGTA) and the French-speaking Swiss association (ASAT-SR) are joining forces as one common TA community in Switzerland!
This merging project is based on common tasks: applying transactional analysis, developing it further and making it better known and more visible; and the following values drive us: joining forces, use diversity, cultivate multilingualism.
To be multilingual means to walk a little slower, to listen to each other well and attentively in order to really understand each other. Isn’t that exactly what we as TAers are committed to?
On both sides the activities are: editing articles from members who share their practice, contributing to organize exams with other associations (DSGTA/DGTA/OGTA, resp. ASAT-SR/IFAT/ASSOBAT), organize conferences/seminars, communicate and interact with members to support their activity learning and spreading TA.
To celebrate the new Swiss association, a bilingual conference is organized on September 6-8, 2024 in Bienne around the topic Encounter.
We are thrilled to join our forces and thrive together with TA!
DSGTA and ASAT-SR are also happy to cooperate with our 553 members.
We are passing the baton to Romania!
Visit our web asat-sr.ch/association/ and dsgta.ch/ueber-uns/sgta-asat/
Website co-created by Maurits Baeyens, Bruno Gallier and XGalvany
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