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Dear members, let’s meet and greet IFAT – Institut Français d’Analyse Transactionnelle
IFAT has existed since 1975. We have more than 500 members today. We organize professional congresses every 2 years with ASAT-SR and ASSOBAT for our french speaking members and interested professionals from all over the european countries. The next congress with be in Lille in Nov 11, 12 – 2023.
We have a quarterly TA magazine “AAT” published internally for all french speaking members from France, Belgium and Swizterland TA assocation. This TA magazine is also consulted on many universities / institutions in Europe & WW thanks to our collaboaration with cairn.info : Montreal University, Louvain University, Paris & Lyon universities; Laval University (Canada), Central University (Taïwan), University of Regina (Canada), Kyoto University (Japon), University of Exeter (UK), Laurentian University (Canada). IFAT publishes also TA books and translates books from other countries into French for french speaking members.
We develop partnership with other TA assocations and others professional assocations for coach, psychotherapist to work closely with all professionals using TA.
We have comittees dedicated to ethics, publication, TA recognition project, communication and congress organization.
IFAT is working hard since 3 years on the TA recognition in France in order to secure our theory and practice. We expect to obtain an official recognition at the end of the year with a national certification.
We are very happy about the energy of our board and members. Our dedication is totale to help TA community to growth in France, to share and spread our energy with all TA organization.
We are passing the baton to Spain!

Visit our web ifat-asso.org

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