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Let us introduce you to Romanian ARAT!

ARAT story … in the early 2000s, a friendly group initially organized a workshop, then fascinated by the consistency and coherence of the method, they decided to establish the association.
Over the years the membership has slowly and surely grown :), currently standing at 190 members, of which 30 are certified including 4 TSTA. The field with the greatest development in Romania is psychotherapy, but in recent years there has been an increase in interest in the educational and organizational fields.
We have a tradition of 17 years of organizing national conferences, without interruption. The difficult moments generated by the pandemic did not stop us, the conferences taking place online. Even more, with the support of the Vodafone Foundation, ARAT initiated a project self-isolated, but not alone, which involved providing emotional support during the pandemic.
ARAT was the host of 2 big events held under the auspices of EATA: in 2004, the European Conference took place in Timișoara, and in 2012, the International Trainers Meeting, in Bucharest.
The increase in interest in TA makes us look optimistically towards the future, with all the difficulties we have encountered over time in terms of aligning national requirements with those of EATA.

We are passing the baton to Turkey!


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