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President of EATA 2007 until 2010

I was President of EATA after eight years as one Italian delegate. That long experience in the EATA Council was invaluable to understand the importance of dialogue and cooperation, fostering the inclusion and respect of national associations and individuals.

I wanted to stretch the boundaries of EATA to include new resources and challenges from our wide community. I thought that the associations belonging to EATA should aim to be autonomous enough to build their own internal alliance and develop their own resources and I saw the role of EATA as supporting the autonomous growth of the single associations.

I saw as one main function of the president of EATA that of facilitating networking, stimulating new developments, mirroring emergent needs in our community, and co-creating the possibility of a wider international community.

image053During my presidency several workshops and projects were financially and organizationally supported by EATA across Europe. Moreover, attention was given to the possibility to renew the training and exams system to meet new developments and requirements, and to improve its overall organization.

A second goal in my presidency was to promote a solid organizational basis to develop research in transactional analysis, and to help the transactional analysis approach to keep on developing in the scientific world. The creation of the new International Journal for Transactional Analysis Research (IJTAR) was one major outcome of that cultural policy.

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