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EC EATA. Here we are!

Here we are! 4 countries, 3 time zones and one common, spirit and interest: being in charge for EATA  The Executive Committee of EATA were together for our two day November meeting. We were a bit sad and missed  “real” connection in these times of coronavirus, but we found ways to be effective, efficient and reflective online. We worked hard, […]

EATA Webinar – New Theory – May 11, 2022

About this event Welcome to the 3rd in the series of free EATA 2 hour webinars, the subject this time will be New Theory and we are thrilled to welcome three esteemed speakers on this subject Charlotte Sills, Mil Rosseau, Linda Gregory. As usual each presenter will talk for approximately 25 minutes and then at the end we will have time […]


“The Healing Relationship – Psychotherapy of Shame, Confusion and Psychological Withdrawal” Richard Erskine, Ph.D. 15-17 May 2020, Belgrade, Serbia Dear colleagues, We would like to inform you that Richard Erskine, Ph.D. will deliver a three-day workshop entitled: “The Healing Relationship – Psychotherapy of Shame, Confusion and Psychological Withdrawal” from 15th to 17th May 2020 in, Belgrade, Serbia at “Hotel M”.  Richard Erskine […]


Dear colleagues, We are pleased to announce the details of the National Transactional Analysis Conference that will take place in Bucharest, Romania, on October 26th and 27th, 2019. The theme of the conference is “Vitality- Lost and Found” and through this we want to create a space of reflection on vitality in working with our clients. The conference will bring together members […]

Call for Proposals: EATA Conference July 4th-6th 2019 in Cherkassy Ukraine

Dear certified members of EATA, you now can submit offers for workshops for EATA conference which will take place in Cherkassy, Ukraine. July 4 th– 6th, 2019 The theme of the conference is: “Modern methods and practical applications of Transactional Analysis” More info and Registration We are looking forward to your ideas!With best regards For the organisation teamHanna Yavorska The Bohdan Khmelnytsky […]

Invitation for the EATA General Assembly 2019

Our 2019 General Assembly will be held on Thursday 4th of July at 18.30 pm You are kindly invited to attend, with the following  AGENDA Welcomes and presentation of officers Vote: Approval of the minutes: General Assembly 2018 in London President’s report Treasurer’s report and Report of internal auditor Vote: Acceptance of the accounts and vote to give release to the […]

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