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Hello, we are from Kazakhstan!

We are the Organization for the Development of Transactional Analysis (TADO)!

With 91 current members, we are steadily expanding our community! Celebrating 5 years of thriving existence, our journey began with the idea taking shape in late 2017, and we officially registered on May 22, 2018. TADO’s primary goal is to disseminate knowledge on transactional analysis in Kazakhstan and foster the professional growth of psychologists. Additionally, we aim to provide psychologists educated in Kazakhstan with seamless access to global TA knowledge and opportunities for certification. As pioneers from Central Asian countries, our journey included joining EATA as a crucial step. The second milestone unfolded during the challenges of the pandemic, where we demonstrated resilience and commitment. We provided psychological support not only online but also through our volunteers working on-site, alongside healthcare professionals, in clinics amidst quarantine conditions.

Our structure includes a president, delegate, council, and ethics committee. Each year, we host two significant events: a Forum in spring and an International Conference in autumn. During the conference, trainers from various countries and TA fields introduce our participants to new research, discoveries, and techniques in TA. We maintain warm professional relationships with numerous international communities and TA specialists. Our PTSTA trainers conduct courses for the 202 curriculum, and colleagues holding CTA status generously share their experiences of exam success. We take pride in each of our participants and our events, firmly believing that our organization contributes significantly to the regional and global development of transactional analysis.

We are passing the baton to the UK! 


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