We are thrilled to announce that instead of having a conference this year, EATA is offering you six FREE webinars to attend ONLINE. Each event will have a theme (see below) and have three speakers who will talk on their subject for 15 minutes with 10 minutes questions or 25 minutes with questions included. At the end of the three presentations participants will be invited into breakout rooms to connect, discuss, and reflect on the material presented. Finally, we will meet back in the larger group for any further comments/questions. We have a range of great speakers lined up. We hope these events will be stimulating, engaging, interesting and fun; we also hope they will continue to give us ways to connect with the wider European TA Community over the next year.
Timings: 6pm-8pm London time
Monday January 10th, 2022 Living with Global Uncertainty
Tuesday March 8th, 2022 Inclusion and Empowerment
Wednesday May 11th, 2022 New Theory and Ideas
Thursday July 14th, 2022 Human Rights and TA
Friday Oct 14th Oct, 2022 Social Responsibility – Walking the Talk of TA
Sunday Dec 11th, 2022 Special Projects
Organised by Leilani Mitchell on behalf of EATA
Booking links will be announced a few weeks prior to the relevant events.
Website co-created by Maurits Baeyens, Bruno Gallier and XGalvany
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