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The pandemic situation has been bringing in the last few months unexpected and unexperienced situations, and is still bringing much uncertainty and restrictions. We are aware that this pandemic situation has generated many difficulties for the trainees who were ready and aiming at taking their exams and who were unable to do so as planned. EATA, the EC PTSC and […]

EATA Together. Visibility of associations

EATA together

EATA Together. Visibility of national associations Dear colleagues, EATA is happy to announce to you the launch of a new project of the Communication Committee #EATA_together. It aims to increase the visibility of national associations among all EATA members. We asked the Delegates and Presidents to tell us some information about their associations so that we know more about the traditions and the […]

Annual Council Meeting, Dublin: 1st – 3rd July 2023

The EATA Annual Council Meeting was held in Dublin over three full days from the 1st to the 3rd of July. As always, it was great to meet up again after a year apart and the beautiful seaside town of Malahide, Dublin provided the perfect backdrop to the event. The three days were taken up with delegates from all over Europe […]

EATA Executive Committee Outreach Program

The European Association for Transactional Analysis invites to the Outreach Program in Lisbon. TA in Action: Resilience and inspiration in life   Date: November 6th 2023,  Lisbon, Portugal  Location: Nextart – Rua da Vitória 73, 2º  – 1100-618 Lisboa – Portugal Aim: The objective is to familiarize people with the European Association for Transactional Analysis and to explore some aspects of TA […]

Annual meeting of TA organizations in Zagreb

On the last weekend of September 2024, presidents of national TA associations from various European countries, including Sweden, Belgium, Ukraine, France, Spain, Austria, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Romania and Croatia, gathered in Zagreb. The aim of this meeting was to exchange good practices, discuss the possibilities of solving current challenges and strengthen cooperation between national organizations. The participants jointly agreed on […]

ta exams

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