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Category: Exams

Handbook 2024

Handbook Queries or Requests > Handbook Queries or Requests PTSC have been busy over the last year or so dealing with queries regarding the revised handbook. Most of the queries were from members seeking clarity and advising us of missing elements and inconsistencies. We are grateful for your patience and for working with us to make sure the handbook is up to date […]

Language Coordinators

EATA LANGUAGE COORDINATORS *The Language Coordinator Multiple Languages will accept the written exams from those who are writing their exam in English but for whom English is not their first language and also people who write their exam in their first language for which there is not already an identified Language Coordinator.

ITAA Exams

To be an examiner for an ITAA/IBOC exam: Examiners must be at least a CTA for a CTA exam or a TSTA for a TSTA exam, they must also be a member of EATA or ITAA.To arrange to take an ITAA exam (IBOC) please submit your application etc via the ITAA website, see https://itaaworld.com/certification-in-ta/More information about IBOC exams (www.itaaworld.org ) Some important […]

Procedure for applying and running EATA TA Examinations

PROCEDURE The President/Chair of the National association (or the delegate officer) applies in writing to the Chair of CoC chair@eatanews.org requesting to hold examinations and giving the date and place that has been chosen. He/she also specifies whether it is intended to hold both CTA and TSTA exams or just CTA. This needs to be at least 12 monthsbefore the date […]

Exam Process / Taking Exams

TAKING THE CTA EXAM For full details please see the Handbook on the website. When you and your Primary Supervisor agree you are ready to go forward to take your CTA exam the first part is the Written exam. This must be submitted to the Language Coordinator (LC) for your language group. The exception here is if you are a member […]

Exams Calendar / Call for Examiners

We support and organise exams for all levels of certification in Europe: CTA, CTA Trainer and TSTA COC Calendar We support and organise exams for all levels of certification in Europe: CTA, CTA Trainer and TSTA.  Professionally and ethically the challenge is to organise exams that let the candidates grow and have an as objective as possible process. Sometimes that […]

Structure of Exams Fees

Exams fees All completed and signed contracts are to be sent as PDFs via email to Marianne Rauter in the EATA office, address: office@eatanews.org Examination fees currency: Euro (€). Bank Account:Sparkasse Bodensee Marktstätte 1 78462 Konstanz. GermanySWIFT-BIC SOLADES1KNZ IBAN DE29690500010001102789 * for UKATA Psychotherapy candidates the retake fee is payable for oral exam

Commission Of Certifications (COC)

COC (Commission of Certification) – is making exams all over Europe by (co-) organizing them, sending observers to every exam, evaluating the process and stimulating and implementing improvements. Christoph Seidenfus COC chair Germany Patrizia Vinella supervising examiner Italy Valérie Cionca COC member Switzerland Mayke Wagner-Froböse COC member Germany Bernard Gentelet COC member France Tin Vanderhoeven COC member Belgium Nikki Millard coc […]

ta exams

ta training

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