“The Healing Relationship – Psychotherapy of Shame, Confusion and Psychological Withdrawal”
Richard Erskine, Ph.D. 15-17 May 2020, Belgrade, Serbia
Dear colleagues,
We would like to inform you that Richard Erskine, Ph.D. will deliver a three-day workshop entitled: “The Healing Relationship – Psychotherapy of Shame, Confusion and Psychological Withdrawal” from 15th to 17th May 2020 in, Belgrade, Serbia at “Hotel M”.
Richard Erskine is the only three-time Eric Bern Award winner for his contributions to the development of Transactional Analysis, but he is also the founder of Relationally Focused – Integrative Psychotherapy.
Please note that this is a unique opportunity to see and hear this lecturer in Serbia, and that there will hardly be such an opportunity in future as he is in his late career and Serbia is economically challenged (yet very hospitable) country.
For this reason, six psychotherapy associations: NATAS, TAC, TAUS, CTA, SATA, SUIPhave teamed up to organize such an important event in Serbia supported by EATA.
Given the business commitments and engagements he still has as a lecturer, application forms should be submitted by 15th December, 2019, so we can definitely confirm his arrival.
DON’T MISS THIS UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY TO HEAR AND SEE THE MASTER OF PSYCHOTHERAPY AT WORK, REGARDLESS THE PSYCHOTHERAPY SCHOOL YOU BELONG, because Erskine was educated in Psychoanalysis, Gestalt, and also certified psychoanalyst and a certified transactional analyst, and he integrated all his knowledge into a comprehensive and highly effective therapeutic approach.
If we do not have enough participants by the deadline, the Workshop will unfortunately be canceled. For that reason, we kindly ask you to look at all the details regarding the Workshop, and if you are able, decide to study and socialize all together.