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  • Neurodiversity. ITAA/EATA webinar. 14 November at 15.00 UTC

Dear member,  

We invite you to register for the next ITAA/EATA webinar which will be held on Sunday 14th November at 15.00 UTC. (2 hours)

Bengaluru (India – Karnataka) 20:30:00 IST

Berlin (Germany – Berlin) 16:00:00 CET

London (United Kingdom) 15:00:00 GMT

New York (USA – New York) 10:00:00 EST

San Francisco (USA – California) 07:00:00 PST


Following from our previous and popular webinar on Intersectionality we have chosen Neurodiversity as our theme for this one.  We are delighted to have engaged the expertise of Terra Vance who is an industrial and organizational psychology consultant and founder and CEO of NeuroClastic, Inc. 

Terra’s passions lie in the intersections of social justice, equity, literature, Truth, and science. She has written widely on issues regarding neurodiversity including “Helping your Autistic, ADHD, or Dyslexic Child (or self) with Reading Fluency and one of her favourites “Autism: It’s not Oughtism”. 

After introductions from the webinar team Terra will talk for around 30 minutes, during this relatively short time Terra has agreed to visit Neurophobia, defined as “the inability to apply […] basic science knowledge to clinical practice leading to paralysis of thinking or action (Jozfowicz, 1994) and how often neurodivergent processes may be misdiagnosed as psychological trauma rather than neurological difference. 

As with previous webinars participants will have the opportunity to work in small break out rooms and we will come together for a large group discussion.   Terra has very generously agreed to stay for the whole webinar giving us opportunity for her to join in our discussions. 

We very much look forward to you joining us and again creating a rich discussion across our global community. 

To book your place go to: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/eataitaa-webinar-tickets-188597619557

ITAA – EATA Webinar Committee

Chitra Ravi, President ITAA

Peter Rudolph, President EATA

Steff Oates  

Kristýna Tomanová

Leilani Mitchell

Deepak Dhananjaya   

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