President of EATA 1976 until 1978
Dr. Michael Reddy died on 25th November 2015. He was 82 years old.
Michael was originally a Jesuit priest, a Clini- cal and Counseling Psychologist and the first TA Teaching Member (now TSTA) in the UK.
EATA began in a bar. It was the bar of the Club Méditerranée in Villars in the summer of 1975. There were three of us drinking in there — Arnold van Westering, Konstanz Ro- bertson-Rose and myself. We three were mulling over the chances of an European TA association and the next vivid recollection is of a much larger group of Europeans at the same conference who had discovered that there were so many across Europe already well into TA.
Seventy or so were gathered in the Yoga Room of the Club Méditerranée to seriously discuss the founding of EATA. We concluded with the resolution to form a Steering Com- mittee which in turn evolved into the first Council of EATA. And I had the great pleasure of serving on it for four years. The last series of vivid mental images are of the various Council meetings during that time: in Brus- sels. in Paris, in London in Yvoire, fogbound in Munich, In Elsinor, in Enschede, in Seefeld and in Rome.
An important aspect was the great pleasure and enjoyment we had in each other’s com- pany. What I carry with me and will treasure to the end of my days is the closeness l had with those people. The experiences we sha- red together, and the recollection of such in- tense moments. Which all started in the bar at Villars.
The text is part of an article, published in the EATA Newsletter 1984
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