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Dear members, let’s meet Inperformat ETS an Italian Association of Transactional Analysis.

Inperformat ETS is a very young association since it has been founded in 2016 and is characterized by a continuous dialogue with the other national TA associations.
Moreover it is part of the EATA and is registered in the RUNTS, an electronic register set up at the Italian Ministry of Labour and Social Policies, which ensures full transparency of Third Sector Entities (ETS).
The association has more than 80 members, including TSTA, PTSTA, CTA and CTA in training. Its main offices are in Pisa, Catania, Genova, Spoleto.
InPerformat ETS is a not-for-profit Association, neither for indirect profit, and it works exclusively for social benefit purposes. The Association is non-party and it complies with the following principles: not-profit making, democratic nature of the structure, elective of the associative offices in compliance with the principle of gender equality and free social offices.
The Association promotes initiatives of training and information, socio-educational and cultural initiatives, based on the Transactional Analysis principles, his founder Eric Berne and the most recent educational guidelines for the same trend. The Association appreciates and shares the Berne’s philosophical approach that is characterized by a deep confidence in the development of human potentiality, according to a concept that is also at the basis of founding principles of the Association.
The Association’s purposes are elaborating, promoting, realizing social solidarity activities, including the fulfillment of socio educational and cultural initiatives, with particular attention to families and minors. The Association’s spirit and approach are based on the respect of the principles of Italian Constitution, that have inspired the Association and they are founded on the full respect of people’s human, cultural and spiritual dimension.
Based on these principles, the Association promotes:
  • Paths aimed at promoting psycho-physical well-being, social and psychological health;
  • Activities of artistic, recreational, motor and recreational expression;
  • Activities aimed at prevention, diagnosis and rehabilitation in the social, health and social-health fields;
  • Educational activities for children and adolescents;
  • Adult training activities;
  • Actions to combat discrimination;
  • Activities to promote interculturality and integration of foreigners;
  • Fundraising to support actions for the promotion of psycho-physical well-being, of training projects and scientific research in the social-health field;
  • Actions aimed at establishing scholarships for individual training courses;
  • Counselling LGBT.
We are passing the baton to Serbia!

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