Join Us for the Next ITAA-EATA Webinar
28 November 2023 – 10 am UTC
with Laura Bastianelli and Rosanna Giacometto
The aim of this joint webinar is to introduce social-cognitive transactional analysis (SCTA), a development of TA theory and practice. Participants will learn about this model through direct experience and discussion in order to discover its application in practice and research.
Laura Bastianelli is a psychologist, psychotherapist, and Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (psychotherapy). She lives in Rome, Italy, where she works in private practice as a psychotherapist and supervisor. She is an invited professor at the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome and a trainer at IFREP (Institute of Training and Research for Educators and Psychotherapists). She is a ember of LaRSI (Lab for Research on Self and Identity), the research group at IRPIR (Institute for Research on Intrapsychic and Relational Processes, Rome). Since July 2013, she has been part of the EATA transactional analysis theory development and research committee, first as the chairperson and then as a coopted member. Laura can be reached at Via Ermogene 52, 00124 Rome, Italy; email:
Rosanna Giacometto is a psychologist, psychotherapist, and Teaching and Supervising Transactional Analyst (psychotherapy) with a deep passion for TA in the educational field. She lives in Rome, where she works in private practice as a psychotherapist and supervisor. Rosanna is an invited professor at the School of Specialization in Psychotherapy of the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome. She also works in seminaries for priest formation and is a clinical specialist in trauma-informed care, particularly advising on survivors of abuse engagement and safeguarding. She is member of LaRSI (Lab for Research on Self and Identity), the research group at the IRPIR (Institute for Research on Intrapsychic and Relational Processes, Rome) and is currently chair of the ITAA Research Award Committee. Rosanna can be reached at via Riccardo Grazioli Lante 15/a, 00193 Rome; email:
CET 11.00 AM
UTC 10.00 AM
GMT London 10.00 AM
AEDT Sydney 21.00 PM
IST Delhi 15.30 PM
PST San Francisco 02.00 AM
GMT-3 Rio de Janeiro 07.00 AM
JST Tokyo 19.00 PM
Website co-created by Maurits Baeyens, Bruno Gallier and XGalvany
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