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Do you know why TA research is important?

A psychological model, in any field of application, is defined by:
  • theories and models for describing the problem (diagnosis) and projecting the desired change (treatment plan),
  • a set of techniques to intervene on internal (thoughts, emotion) or external (behaviour, environment) reality,
  • a set of instruments to detect the change that the interventions had on internal/external reality,
  • a variety of publications describing applied theories and models, implemented techniques, observed results and outcomes, widely disseminated into the scientific community and the public. 
A variety of institutions may require a psychological model, like TA, evidences on the efficacy and effectiveness of their interventions: mental health services (TA-Psychotherapy), companies and businesses management (TA-Organization), client systems (TA-Counselling) and school administration (TA-Education). 
This section of EATA website allows all the EATA members, EATA delegates and presidents of the EATA national associations to access the best available literature on research in TA in any field of application.
You can contact TDRC presenting your specific needs of evidence for TA recognition  in your country. 
You can also communicate to TDRC the presence of TA research centers or TA researchers and PhD, that are active in your country and want to become part of the European TA Research Network.
In the following news, you will find abstracts of the best literature on TA efficacy and effectiveness, and a link to the original articles.
All these researches and publications have been granted by EATA via TDRC.  
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