With great pleasure, the combined associations of the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA) and the European Association for Transactional Analysis (EATA) invite your association to bid on hosting the 2025 TA World Conference, which is to be held as usual in July-August.
ITAA and EATA had first hoped to hold a World conference in 2024, but the time frame unfortunately proved to be unrealistic. In order to offer plenty of time for associations to bid it has been decided to postpone the TA World conference to 2025.
A tradition that began with the signing of a joint contract in 2007, the TA World Conference brings together the collaboration and cooperation of both ITAA and EATA (previously FTAA too), two of the transactional analysis associations. It is an opportunity to showcase your part of the world and to introduce your transactional analysts to a wide variety of keynote speakers, workshop presenters, authors, and key figures in the TA world. TA World Conference provides a wonderful opportunity for transactional analysts from other parts of the world to visit you.
To date, there have been four highly successful world conferences: the first in Johannesburg, South Africa, in 2008; the second in Bilbao, Spain, in 2011; the third in San Francisco, USA, in 2014; and the fourth in Berlin, Germany, in 2017. The local associations in each area have been wonderful hosts to visitors from all over the world.
The combined organisations’ energy, enthusiasm, and willingness to help raise the profile of TA in your region is a wonderful opportunity. Please contact Vladimir Goussakovski, ITAA Conference Committee Chair, at v.gusakovski@gmail.com and Aleksandra Djuric, EATA Vice-President, at aleksdjuric@yahoo.com to obtain the form for presenting a bid and any further information.
We look forward to receiving your expressions of interest!
Chitra Ravi, ITAA President | Sylvia Schachner, EATA President
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