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Raymond Hostie died in Leuven in 1999 at the age of 79.

In 1978 the pioneers’ era is ending. EATA has status: its constitutional acts have been approved and are being implemented. It enjoys a growing number of

European members who are recognized by ITAA. It has a firm financial base thanks to membership fees and the benefits of the annual conferences.

As a fully autonomous association it is in regular contact with ITAA. The Council is made up of a score of members coming from 10 coun- tries. They meet three times per year for two full days.

The organization of European exams was to allow candidates to use their mother tongue: no longer would they have to word their written exam in English, translate tape recordings before the oral exam, nor grope for words or sentences in the middle of an exam.

At the Council’s specific request the ITAA en- trusted an EATA member with the organization and supervision of European exams: first Michael Reddy (1976-1980), later followed by Birger Gooss (1980-1982) and Antoinette de Mol (1982-1984).

Many TA journals in Europe started successfully. They are proving their vitality and be- aring witness to the members’ scientific interest: Actualitées en AT (French), Strook (Dutch), Neues in der TA (German), Rivista de AT and Neopsyche (Italian), Transactions and ITA News (British).

Relationship between EATA and ITAA was a main concern in the years 1978 – 1980. At the level of friendship and professional cooperation these relationships have always been efficient and stimulating. Diverging points of view appeared as soon as we touched on the issues of principles or structure and needed continuous efforts. Today we are witnessing the results: a joint EATA-ITAA Conference.

Text taken from an article in the EATA newsletter 1984

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