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Category: ta short news

Liaisons for TEWs Wanted!

We are looking for new venues to run TEWs. We are planning to run three TEWs a year, one in March, one in July and one in December. Do you have, or know of, a venue that would be suitable and has good travel connections to the rest of Europe? Would you be willing to be the local ‘host;’ to liaise with the […]

Which value from the common mission statement resonates the most with you and why?

Which value from the common mission statement resonates the most with you and why? Transactional Analysis is a psychological approach to understanding individuals, groups and community. The TA philosophy of EQUAL RELATIONSHIP, MUTUALRESPECT and ENGAGEMENT is expressed in the ethical values and principles of our organizations. This is relevant to our relationship with each individual and each organization as well […]

EATA Webinar – TA’s best practices

Last week during the EATA webinar we had a chance to get to know the thoughts of three qualified transactional analysts. Warm thanks to you Ronen Stillman, Olena Kovalchuk and Ugo Danilo De Ambrogio for being willing to share your expertise with our TA community. This versatile workshop was the third in our series “TA’s best practices”. And as always, […]

The European Connection Committee (ECC) of EATA invites for new members!

ECC is a space, dedicated for the support of development of TA communities within EATA. As a new member, you will help to identify needs of TA organizations and connect them with resources. We are building new and stronger processes and facilitate projects to grow the local TA base in participating countries. Basic competence requirements for ECC member: • EATA […]


Check out new episode with @ronenstilman talking about the TA and Technology. S8 E10 – TA & Technology available to stream now. Available on all major podcast platforms – stream us now from wherever you get your podcasts 🔉 The TA podcast is sponsored by @itaa_worldand @eata_news www.tapodcast.com #transactionalanalysis #ta #tapodcast#technology #therapy

DEIA Task Force – Our Invitation to you

We are interested in your experiences as members of all TA communities in EATA, as trainees, exam candidates, teaching and supervising members, as EATA delegates, officers, etc. Over the coming months we will offer avenues for you to be in contact with us: – via written, audio or video submissions – via 1:1 & Focus Group Conversations – via the […]


spat_eric_berne “Los niños comprenden a la gente mucho mejor que los mayores adiestrados que estudian el comportamiento humano” Eric Berne 🙌

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