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  • Important information about EATA General Assembly/ with correct date!

Dear national TA associations, dear presidents, dear delegates and officers

Please inform your membership about the change of proxy policy for EATA General Assembly (AGM).

This year executive committee of EATA had decided that we would not allow proxy votes for general assembly (AGM).

We decided this, because the AGM this year offered the possibility that all participants who wanted to join could do so without financial effort for travelling.

We intended to support the direct dialogue among colleagues in this way.

Some members however now pointed out that for them the system of proxy vote is relevant and necessary. This is why we go back to this system now.

As the process has to be run by online conditions we establish for this council the following procedure:

  • Those who want to use proxies, send the form with name and signature per email to a member who is attending the meeting as participant, maybe you can ask the delegate of your country to take the proxy

Sample of proxy for AGM.docx

  • The member who is receiving proxies for AGM is asked to scan them and send them by email to office@eatanews.org and confirm in the message the rightfulness of the proxies.

Proxies are to be sent latest by July 14th, 2020.

Further registrations for general assembly also are possible latest by July 14th, 2020. Please send message to office@eatanews.org

It is necessary to set that date, because the access to the meeting has to be organised in advance.

With best wishes

On behalf of executive committee

Peter Rudolph, EATA president


Message sent by

EATA office

Marianne Rauter Silvanerweg 8

78464 Konstanz Germany



Phone 0049-7531-95270



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