For this webinar, we have two slots with three presenters. Mo Felton from the UK will present on Restorative Justice, and Iva Gospodnetić and Mara Modrić from Croatia will present on the OK Parent: The Use of Transactional Analysis When Working with Perinatal Clients – see below for more details; we hope there will also be time for questions.
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Introducing the practice of Restorative Justice currently offered in prisons and schools
Where victims and offenders are brought together to provide an opportunity for healing and closure of the trauma. I will outline the features of a restorative meeting and the steps to follow for a restorative process.
I contributed a chapter on TA in :
Restorative Theory in Practice (2016. Chapter 10.) Editor Belinda Hopkins. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
I will include a short history and parallels with TA theories and practice.
Also, an exercise in the breakout room and discussion for development and significance at all levels in our conflicted world.
Mo Felton –Â is a Training and Supervising Transactional Analyst in the Psychotherapy field with around 40 years experience having originally qualified as a Relate Marriage Guidance Counsellor and Trainer in 1985.Mo delivered a TA training programme with Tony Tilney TSTA and also worked as a Trainer for Manchester Institute and The Berne Institute.
For 16 years she was consultant to Walsall Social Services to train staff in therapeutic parenting for young people in care, and it was in this setting Mo discovered Restorative Practice in schools and residential settings. This work was her greatest passion and she developed a model for staff to use which included the ideas of Restorative Justice and TA combined which Mo will share with you.
Currently Mo has a private practice in her home in Polesworth UK where she provides therapy, supervision and exam preparation mainly online.
Transactional analysis and its concepts are of great value in direct work with perinatal clients and in promoting parental mental health. In this webinar, Iva Gospodnetić and Mara Modrić will present their OK Parent project. The goal of the OK Parent project is to strengthen the capacities of the perinatal population and professionals who work with perinatal clients. They achieve this goal through psychoeducation that connects the concepts of TA and parenting and through direct experiential and psychotherapy individual and group work with perinatal clients and professionals who work with perinatal clients. Their way of working is rooted in an ethical and moral approach based on scientific evidence and the theory and concepts of transactional analysis.In the lecture, they will present the concepts of transactional analysis they use while working with perinatal clients and show how they shape their work.
Some concepts they will cover are emotions from a TA perspective, scripts, integrative TA methods (inquiry, attunement and involvement), relational needs, recycling of developmental stages, and the role of the therapeutic relationship in healing perinatal distress. In addition, they will address the concept of attachment and its role in working with clients, as well as the importance of holding as a key intervention in establishing a therapeutic relationship and the foundation for working with perinatal clients.
Iva Gospodnetić is a psychologist and psychotherapy trainee. As part of the OK Parent counseling center, she works individually with people who have mental health difficulties during pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood. She provides clients with support in healing childhood trauma and birth trauma. She works individually or with couples on topics such as sexuality and relationship satisfaction, as well as all other challenges during parenthood.
Mara Modrić is a special education teacher and therapist and psychotherapy trainee. She works as a special education teacher in an elementary school with additional interests in educational rehabilitation practice and science. As a psychotherapy trainee, she works individually with clients within the OK Parent counseling center. Her area of interest is working with parents who experience certain difficulties, want to work on their parenting skills, interrupt the transmission of transgenerational trauma, and work through their traumas.
Monday, 24 March 2025
Please note the time in your time zone
GMT - 18.00 - 19.30
CET - 19.00 - 20.30
EET - 20.00 - 21.30
Website co-created by Maurits Baeyens, Bruno Gallier and XGalvany
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