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  • June 19. EATA/ITAA Webinar. OKness and the Paradox of Change with Matthew Elton

Dear members, EATA/ITAA webinar committee cordially invites you to another joint webinar entitled:

OKness and the Paradox of Change with Matthew Elton

Clients, learners, and organizations, in coming to TA professionals for help, often believe that they are “broken” or do not deserve to flourish. And as TA professionals, we can sometimes unwittingly send or reinforce that message—that yes, they are not OK, they are broken, that they are somehow getting things wrong.

It is hard to change when the starting point is that “there is something fundamentally wrong with me.” It is easier to change—if change is what is wanted and is something for which there is agreement and permission—when there is an underlying basis of self-acceptance.

Getting help can feel paradoxical when the starting point for it is, in some fundamental way as indicated in TA, that we are all OK as we are. However, being OK does not necessarily mean there is nothing I want to change and that I do not want professional assistance.

Matthew will discuss this tension and other ideas that are sometimes referred to as “the paradox of change,” illustrating it with examples and reflecting on how TA and other approaches can respond to it.

Matthew Elton is a psychotherapist and supervisor based in Edinburgh and has been in private practice since 2005 (www.extra-help.org.uk). He works with a wide range of clients and has a special interest in writers and artists.

His formative training was in Transactional Analysis and he has since developed a strong interest in narrative therapy.
Matthew regularly runs workshops for counsellors and therapists. His book Talking It Better: From Insight to Change in the Therapy Room (PCCS) was published in 2021 and is also available as an audiobook. 

We are looking forward to seeing you there 
Webinar committee 


Timings | 19th June 2023

UTC = 13.00
UK (BST) = 14.00
EUROPE (CEST) = 15.00
DELHI (IST) = 18.30
SYDNEY (AEST Australian Eastern Standard Time ) = 23.00 
RIO DE JANEIRO (Brasilia standard time ) 10.00 
TOKYO (JST) 22.00

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