We are a Polish association that was founded in 1994, shortly after the fall of communism in our country, when professional psychotherapy in Poland was just developing. The beginnings were not easy, there came a point when our association began to die out, until 2009, when it was reactivated. Another important moment for us was in 2016, when we received EATA accreditation
Activities we are proud of:
TA’s international Conferences, which are held every two years. To date, we have already organized four! These are always great opportunities to learn from teachers from Poland and abroad,
Cyclical Meetings with TA – monthly workshops held by speakers from all areas of TA application,
Sunshine Meetings with TA – this is the time our members spend getting to know each other and building relationships. Recently, we were able to organize them simultaneously in several Polish cities.
Our association currently has 139 members, many of whom are involved in organizing training courses in all fields of TA application.
We are curious about you, the world and TA knowledge and also very happy to be part of this community.
We are passing the baton to Austria, Croatia or Spain:)