Dear members, dear national associations, let us present to you a new project on EATA website, which is an events calendar! This calendar will gather both EATA’s and national associations’ events so that you can either attend them or plan your own events accordingly.
So please share with us the main (non-profit) events of your national associations, such as conferences, summer schools, exams, we will publish them for you, i.e. date, name and link to more information.
Please send your email to Ira from CC to:
Polish Association of Transactional Analysis is organizing the 5th International Conference of Transactional Analysis, which will be held on September 14-15, 2024 in Poznan, Poland. The theme of the conference is: “Personal and professional relationships – how to create, maintain and finish them”.
Lectures and workshops will be conducted by speakers from Poland and abroad (they will be translated into Polish).
The idea behind the conference
The organizers are a group of enthusiasts and practitioners from different fields who are united by their fascination with Transactional Analysis and a true belief that it is a concept worth promoting, disseminating and exploring. Therefore, we popularize the knowledge of Transactional Analysis, creating a space for the exchange of ideas and experiences, thus contributing to the development of Transactional Analysis in theory and practice. At the same time, we care about the ethics and professional integrity of the members of our community, all Children, Adults and Parents.
The subject of relationships, building, maintaining and finishing them, is crucial to our sense of security and building trust, on an individual and collective level. These issues are extremely important in every field of Transactional Analysis: psychotherapy, organization, education and counseling.
The PTAT conference will focus on this inspiring topic, covering both interpersonal relations and those between different systems: groups of people, institutions, states and communities.
We will try to answer the following questions together:
– What determines the quality of relationships?
– What are the challenges in different types of relationships and why?
– How do online relationships differ from “live” relationships?
– What can we influence in relationships, and what is beyond our impact?
– Why do relationships break down?
– What limitations and resources do we have in relationships of different types?
– What limitations and resources are contained in the relationship itself?
– How is the relationship with oneself different from the relationship with others, and in what sense are they similar?
– Does relationship with the body important, and if yes – how?
– How do we say goodbye?
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