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Dear members, dear national associations, let us present to you a new project on EATA website, which is an events calendar! This calendar will gather both EATA’s and national associations’ events so that you can either attend them or plan your own events accordingly.
So please share with us the main (non-profit) events of your national associations, such as conferences, summer schools, exams, we will publish them for you, i.e. date, name and link to more information.
Please send your email to Ira from CC to: uatadelegate@gmail.com


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2024 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Wellington, Aotearoa New Zealand 21st – 23rd November

November 21 - November 23

Karangarua – Unity Through Diversity in Relationship

The Australian and New Zealand TA associations have great pleasure in calling you (karanga) to this conference. The title acknowledges the significance of the karanga or exchange of calls that forms part of the pōwhiri, a Māori welcoming ceremony, and also refers to people related through two different lines, and those standing in a double relationship.
E ngā matawaka, e ngā mana, e ngā reo, e ngā rangatira ma, e akiakihia ana e ngā hau e wha kua horahia ki te ao, ka nui te mihi ki a koutou me ō koutou whānau hoki, tenā koutou tenā koutou, tenā koutou katoa, me te titiro whakamua ki te manaaki i a koutou ki Aotearoa.
To the many talented and esteemed who are propelled together by the four winds spread throughout the world, we greet you and your families, and look forward to welcoming you to Aotearoa.

Register in August for an earlybird rate https://www.taaanz.nz/2024-international-conference

In what many of us experience as an increasingly conflictual world, it appears more important than ever to invite a focus on whanaungatanga (relationships) and our transactional analysis of them.
The themes of the conference invite us to experience, think about and discuss how we do this – meeting, greeting, and seating – in a way that is respectful of both hosts and guests, while also acknowledging difference and diversity.
We also want to provide a space in which we can think about and discuss what happens when we don’t do this so well, when relationships are ruptured in various ways, and how we can understand and intervene in disagreement, conflict, violence, and war. Thus, we are also calling for papers and workshop presentations on these themes.
The conference will be preceded by an introductory TA101 course which will have a strong bicultural perspective (19th–20th November), TA exams (also on 19th & 20th November).

Register in August for an earlybird rate https://www.taaanz.nz/2024-international-conference


November 21
November 23
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